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Property Reports
Whether you need to verify property ownership, identify at-risk loans or obtain listing information, our property reports provide easy and affordable access to the critical information you need.  Drawing from the most comprehensive U.S. property database, our reports provide a single nationwide source for accessing residential and commercial property information.
Collateral valuation continues to be a complex, ever-evolving challenge as economic factors and local market conditions impact real estate values across the nation.  Selecting the right valuation strategy is critical to effectively manage risk and grow profits.  We combine our industry-leading data, proprietary information, proven methodologies and advanced user and performance testing to deliver a variety of valuation solutions with exceptionally reliable results.
To keep up with the ever-changing real estate market, you need fast, accurate and cost-effective tools to generate reliable lists of comparable sales.  Customize your searches and control which comparables are selected with our powerful easy-to-use, online solution.  Get property profiles and complete sales histories in a single, affordable solution that leverages our industry-leading property data.
Targeting the right prospects at the right time is critical to your success.  That's why we offer a variety of advanced automated and custom solutions to help you find qualified lists and identify new opportunities with existing customers.
Portfolio Management
Lenders, investors, servicers, default managers and other mortgage-market participants rely on your portfolio management and due diligence solutions to deliver sophisticated, critical loan portfolio information to help manage risk and improve decision-making.
Custom Data Services
Leverage SiteXPro's industry-leading U.S. property database to develop custom lists to support customer acquisition and retention efforts, identify cross-selling opportunities, enhance data, monitor portfolio performance and proactively manage risk.  Our dedicated team of data experts will work closely with you to create a custom solution to meet your unique business needs.